Finally, in my 2nd attempt I passed CCIE R&S Lab Exam in Brussels. If you remember I had some bad luck on my first attempt with only 1% missing for pass.
I requested a re-read of my exam, but there was no update in my score.
So I took another 2 month for studying and finally got it.
For those who are interested, I started with my CCIE preparation in Aug 2008 with CCIE R&S Written Bootcamp at Unitek ( Fremont,California ) and then I took
about 5 months for preparing for the LAB exam and then went to another Bootcamp at Unitek for the LAB exam the last week in January. My first attempt
was in March 2009 where I have failed sadly and then my 2nd successful attempt in May 2009.
I studied the:
- Official CCIE R&S Written Exam v3.0 book
- TCP/IP Vol.1
- IE Workbooks Vol1,2,3
- DocCD documentation
..and some old CCNP materials especially for BSCI exam and BCMSN
I spent about 400 hours in remote labs practising which was quite a lot in this time period, because I also worked full work hours all the time of my preparation.
Anyway...I would like you all for your contribution to this forum, it helped me a lot.
Also about the LAB itself in Brussel, I was both time left with good feeling about the whole day, the ambience is nice, they now have 24' widescreen monitors
on all Racks, the temperature in the room was fine, the proctor was kind and ready to help, although I used him only twice in two attempts.
For anyone going in Brussel I suggest the NH Hottel in Diegem, because it's only 2 minutes walk to the Cisco center and 5 minuted drive from the Airport.
Those who are preparing for the CCIE Lab Exam I wish you all the best and don't be afraid of the Open Ended Questions, if you studied the theory for the written exam
carefully and are familiar with all the techonologies, it shouldn't be a problem.
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